Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Viewed in
2005, 2006, 2007, 2011

Movie theater, DVD, Cable TV (w/ commercials w/ deleted scenes)

Based on the 4th book of the series, Harry is thrown into the Triwizard Tournament.

The cast and chemistry.

The strong adaptation writing.

The films get better and better.

Just like watching Lord of the Rings films for the first time, fans of the books might not like the necessary shortcuts made to make it an entertaining film. The screenwriter did a great job finding the bare bones story while keeping the best showstopping scenes.

I would have trouble deciding what my favorite scene/moment would be. At gunpoint, I'd pick the awkward teenage moments when wizards and witches start to notice fellow students of the opposite sex.

The best part about the film was the chemistry. This truly was a perfect cast, for not only did each actor knew their character completely, but they effortlessly made each scene special with their virtuosity and play against each other.

What I would change
Fixed the scene where Sirius talked to Harry. I would have left it as described in the book. Instead, they made the scene unnecessarily expensive and confusing. What is worse is that casual fans will not realize who that was and will forget who he was when they watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Yes, it would have looked goofy, but sometimes, magic is goofy.