2008 Part Time Awards

Inspired by my friends and the Oscars, I have decided to make some Part Time Awards for the films of 2008. Please be patient as this is my first ever attempt.

Created on 3/1/2009.

Favorite Action Flick Award:
Dark Knight. Kudos for creating astounding action sequences that are as realistic at the wonderful characters. Shooting in IMAX definitely put it over the top. You have no idea how much fun it was to watch the truck flip, requiring my head to tilt up then crash down.

Favorite Animated Film Award:
Wall-E. I loved the themes to go along with adorable characters. Do you have any idea how hard it is to story-tell animated robots without dialogue? By the way, my friend just went to Disneyland, and he saw so many fat people on electric movers, he thought he was in it.

Favorite Chick Flick Award:
Definitely, Maybe. It was sweet and charming without over-doing it. Yes, it was the only romantic comedy I saw that year...

Favorite Comedy Award:
Forgetting Sarah Marshall. I was about to give it to Tropic Thunder, but I have a feeling that will become a dated, while this Apatow-ish laughfest could endure with endearing characters.

Favorite Dark Comedy Award:
In Bruges. Granted, it was the only dark comedy I saw, but how can I deny a nervous Colin Farrell, midgets, and the bell tower scene? Best quirky-hitmen-dark-comedy since 'Pulp Fiction'.

Favorite Drama Award:
The Reader. Kate Winslet sells all of her character's complexity and humanity. Simply the best at showing humans being human.

Favorite Documentary/Music Film Award:
Black Magic. It was long, but I learned so much about the game of basketball.

Favorite Family-Friendly Film Award:
Kung Fu Panda. I think it is just more accessible to kids than the intellectual themes of Wall-E. I would ask my kid, if I had one. Surprisingly good amount of quality family films this year, as I also recommend Journey to the Center of the Earth, Speed Racer and Bolt.

Favorite Science Fiction Film Award:
Wall-E. A world deserted by human consumerism and negligence? A lone surviving robot developing human emotions while fat humans become programmed robots? What more could you want?

Favorite 3D Movie Award:
Journey to the Center of the Earth. Gratuitous 3D scene! Gratuitous 3D scene!

Most Overrated Movie Award:
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was the least deserving of the five nominated for Best Picture.

'They Were Who We Thought They Were!' Award:
Incredible Hulk
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls
Journey to the Center of the Earth

Most Underrated Film Award:
Speed Racer. It was goofy, campy, vibrant, action-packed, and perfect for your inner nine-year old of all ages. The critics got this one wrong big time.

Most Disappointing Movie Award:
Hancock. I hate hate hate movies that pull the 180 on you halfway through. Great premise with the perfect actor for that role, and you guys (probably executives) stupidly add that Charlize Theron story. Runner ups include: Prince Caspian, Forbidden Kingdom, Quantam of Solace.

Biggest Surprise Award:
Kung Fu Panda. If it was not for Wall-E, this would have won the PT Animated Award and probably reached the top five.

'At Gunpoint, What Are Your Favorite Five Movies?' Award:
Dark Knight
The Reader
In Bruges
Slumdog Millionaire

Not Favorite Five, But Still Must-See Consolation Prize:
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
Hellboy II
Iron Man
Kung Fu Panda
Speed Racer

Highly Recommended Award:
Gran Torino
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Tropic Thunder

'I Love Him Like A Friend' Award:
Black Magic
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Favorite Best Picture Nominee Award:
The Reader. Slumdog Millionaire was hip and gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling, but its simple love story prevents it from being the best. The complicated questions and Kate Winslet's acting triumphs over all other four very good films.

Favorite Film Not Nominated For Best Picture Award:
Dark Knight. Duh!

'If There Is Only One Movie To See' Award:
Dark Knight. It was a critical and mainstream success and transcended its genre. With the timing of Blu-Ray's victory over HD DVD's, it is well on its way to being 'The Matrix' of the 2000's. In other words, college kids will be re-watching this on their PS3s every weekend until they grow sick of it. Easily a candidate for quintessential movie of the decade.

Thanks for reading! If you like these, please check out my friend's thoughts on 2008's movies, here, here and here!